Network charge optimization

Do you have a manufacturing business, an industrial company with high peak loads, an energy-intensive operation or are you active in a municipal facility? Then our battery storage systems will help you keep your grid charges as low as possible. Because we know all about network charge optimization.

Enormous reduction in energy costs and avoidance of expensive grid expansion

No interference with established processes and production

Promotion of grid stability

Integration into existing load management

Three methods


The electricity price for energy-intensive companies (> 100,000 kWh consumption per year) is made up of the energy price and the demand price. The power price, in turn, is directly related to peak loads, i.e., particularly sharp spikes in electricity consumption that occur when you temporarily need more electricity than usual during a particular phase. This is because the power price is always calculated in proportion to the highest load peak that occurs. With intelligent battery storage, you can reduce these unnecessary and often enormously high electricity costs: The battery storage caps the load peaks above a certain value and serves the energy demand that goes beyond that with the energy stored in the battery storage. So as soon as a certain power threshold is exceeded, the battery storage system supplies your company with energy and thus keeps your power price low.


In Germany, the energy suppliers set the high-load time windows every year. If you avoid peak loads during this period, manage your electricity consumption in a way that is beneficial to the grid, and thus reduce the load on the grid, the grid operator rewards you with a lower grid fee. Various requirements must be met for this atypical grid usage (Section 19 (2) Sentence 1 StromNEV) – and the use of a battery storage system gives you this flexibility.


If you have intensive network usage with at least 7,000 full usage hours as well as 10 GWh annual consumption, then you can reduce your energy costs by applying for an individual network charge (pursuant to Section 19 (2) Sentence 2 StromNEV). Since these values are rarely reached, the battery storage system comes into play: This enables a uniform load profile so that the limit of 7,000 full utilization hours can be exceeded.

Compared to conventional generation plants, commercial storage facilities offer the advantage that the amount of electricity purchased is shifted in time, but not reduced. On the other hand, in the case of standby gensets, the required energy is generated and the total amount of electricity drawn from the grid is reduced, as are the hours of full use.

And now?

Let’s take a look at your load profile: The load profile is the recording of the power consumed by a point of consumption over a certain period of time. The decisive factor is a time interval of 15 minutes and the specification of the power values in kW. These data are the basis for a meaningful analysis.

We will take care of your load profile and will be happy to help you obtain it from your network operator. With your permission, we will obtain any information needed.

Discover battery storage systems

Did you know?

The battery storage systems for grid charge optimization are multitasking! In this way, you can additionally realize self-consumption optimization, electromobility or backup power supply with one and the same system.

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Network charge optimization